(1) Click the more button to obtain the information about the functional gene of this species.

(2) Click the download button to download all the protein files of this species related to this functional gene.

(3) Across species search for functional genes.

Click Search to view the information of this functional gene in different species.

(4) Click the button to download the results in xls format.

(1) Click the specific number to view the gene information of the resistance gene in Stephania_japonica.

(2) Click the button to download the results in xls format.

(1)Click the more button to obtain the information about the functional gene of this species.

(2) Click the download button to download all the protein files of this species related to this functional gene.

(3) Click the more button to get the quantity statistics of all transcription factors of this species.

(4) Across species search for Transcription factors.

(5) The statistical chart is a columnar statistical chart of all transcription factors of a species.

(1)Search can be divided into four protein databases according to the description: gene annotation of Swiss Prot, TrEMBL, Nr and Pfam, as well as GO gene ontology database annotation and comparison information with Arabidopsis blast.

Click the search button to search the results.

(2) Click the button to download the results in xls format.

(1) Search by species name and gene id.

(2) Results Different description information of this species can be obtained, including gene ontology, Nr, Pfam, Swiss Prot, TrEMBL, best hit to A.thaliana.

(1) Search by species name and gene id.

Click the search button to search the CRISPR target results.

(1) Search by species name and gene id.

Click the search button to search the duplication results.

(1)Search by species name and gene id.

(2) Click Orthologs_All and Paralogs_All can view orthogroups, orthologous and paralogous genes.

(3) Click the specific number to view the gene of this species in this orthogroup, and the searched gene will be highlighted.

(1) You can also search by orthogroups.

(2) Click the specific number to view all the gene information in the orthogroups.

(1)Click the specific number to view all the gene information in the orthogroups.

(1) Examples of randomly selected genes of various species.

(2) Select the length of the frank fragment

(3) Free selection of the genome that you want to compare with the selected gene.

(4) Each point represents a gene ID, which can be viewed by hovering the mouse, and can be clicked for gene retrieval.

(1) Enter the gene name and tissues name of the species.(Display the top ten genes through user input)

(2) The logarithmic result can be obtained.

(3) Heat map of gene expression in tissues.

(1) Enter the fasta sequence that needs to be blast aligned or submit the file.

(2) Choose a database for comparison or submit a file.

(3) Select the required parameters.

(1) The result of blast has 12 columns, and each column represents the ID identification of the query sequence, the ID identification of the target sequence on the alignment, the consistency percentage of the sequence alignment, the length of the alignment area conforming to the alignment, the number of mismatches in the alignment area, the number of gaps in the alignment area, the start and end sites of the alignment area on the query sequence (query ID), and the alignment area on the target sequence (subject ID) Start and stop sites on, expected value of comparison results, bit score value of comparison results.
(2) Click the button to download the results in xls format.
(3) Click the button to download all the results as a compressed package.

(1) Syntony is divided into Python MCscanx and MCscanX.

(2) You can choose to use sample files or submit files you want to compare or select species online.

(3) Enter the configuration files layout and seqids, and you can choose to use the sample file or submit the file.

(1) You can choose to use sample files or submit files you want to compare or select species online.

(2) Enter the name of blast database creation and blast comparison.

(3) You can choose to use sample files or submit files you want to compare or select species online.

(4) You can choose different drawing types.

JBrowse page displays genome information such as genome version, assembly size, sequencing year, sequencing method, etc.

(1) Click the more button to view the JBrowse interface of this species.

(1) Input sequence file or gene ID.

(2) Select appropriate parameters.

(1) Enter a example file or submit a sequence file.

(2) You can select online models or submit models yourself.

The results will be downloaded directly as files.